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Speech Therapy at Home

Parents, you don’t have to feel overwhelmed about being quarantined at home with your children whose therapy services have been put on hold! While many of us are working from home or unable to work at this time, children with special needs still depend on us for speech and language services to help them communicate functionally. Although teletherapy in speech works great for some clients, it may not be the best option for all clients. Parents who are home with their children should not feel like they have to replace any therapist at this time and do what works best for your family.

As a way to help, here at Super Talkers we’ve compiled some great speech and language resources for parents. The resources will allow you to spend some time working with your child on their speech and language whenever you get the chance. Many of the links have resources for a variety of areas of speech and language therapy at home that are simple enough for parents to follow if you’d like to work with your child at home.

List of Speech and Language resources for parents:

  • TeachersPayTeachers has resources created by teachers and many therapists, including speech-language therapists! You can find free speech and language activities as well as resources you must pay for, but a lot of it is affordable!
  • 100 Free TPT Products for Speech Therapy Home Packets – This is a link to a Google drive document that contains many free resources from TeachersPayTeachers
  • MommySpeechTherapy is a great resource for information and tips on things you can do to help your child with both speech and language goals, as well as reading and literacy.
  • Speech and Language Kids is another great site with resources covering many different areas of speech and language therapy services.
  • PraacticalAAC is a great resource for parents who have nonverbal children using AAC devices to communicate.

In addition to these resources, here are some examples of how to search for resources yourself:

“articulation therapy at home”
“speech therapy resources for parents”
“language therapy resources for parents”
“speech and language resources for parents”

Parents, we know working with your child to improve their speech and language skills may be frustrating and overwhelming. If you feel unsure of how to apply any of the information provided, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance! We understand this is a difficult task for any parent, and we would be more than happy to assist your family. You will get through this! And, to add a little humor to the madness…

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